Saturday, February 1, 2025

More Waterfalls

Here are two more waterfalls for your enjoyment.  It was back in March of 2015 that Indian Falls just north of Owen Sound froze over.  Apparently it became quite an attraction, drawing crowds on weekends.  The second falls is the last of four around Owen Sound and the smallest.  It's Weaver Creek Falls, right in Harrison Park.  I bet 90% of visitors to the park don't even know it's there.

At Indian Falls the river itself mostly froze over, making it quite easy for people to walk up to the falls.  It's up a narrow valley about a kilometre from the parking lot.  The huge mound of yellowy-ice on the left is the main falls, but the bluish icicles on the right were most beautiful.  After seeing a photo showing 40 or 50 people admiring the falls, we decided to go too.

We walked right up to it; that's Mrs. F.G. in the long green coat (her Yukon coat).  You can see that the ice on the right has formed not with water flowing over the top, but by water flowing through layers of the bedrock.  I think this is the most amazing winter waterfall sight I've seen!

This is Indian Falls in the summer for comparison.  The bedrock here is just as interesting as the falls.

This is Weaver Creek Falls in  Harrison Park.  It's up a very narrow valley behind the swimming pool, with part of the short trail being boardwalk over the creek, the valley is so narrow.  It's also on private land, so this is as close as you can get.

And this is Weaver Creek in the fall, a telephoto view bringing us a little closer.  If I could I'd go back and get a lot more waterfall pictures, but I'm limited to reminiscing!

I should add that my wheelchair got fixed; it was new batteries that did it.  I guess my forceful request made a difference.  In fact, one of the service technicians mentioned that most people with wheelchairs are elderly and never leave home.  In comparison, going out to physio, lunch and church every week as I do, I'm 'young' and active!  So my wheelchair is important for me.


  1. Lovely pics. So glad you have your wheelchair working again!

  2. The frozen water falls are awesome!!
    Happy to hear you have a working wheelchair once again!!

  3. Glad to hear you have your wheels back, FG. Great captures of the falls. Spectacular!

  4. Very nice waterfalls. It's good to hear your chair is working again --yeah, you are young at heart.

  5. Congrats on the wheelchair. The second winter photo and the final photo are really good.

  6. LD....I am glad the batteries were replaced. You do use your chair and have a much better life and that is so great. Your waterfall shots are so fascinating. Them being iced over is unbelievable a sight to see.

  7. Lovely photographs!
    Hooray for new batteries, you're able to be "on the road again!"
