Sunday, February 23, 2025


 I can only remember three times over the past couple of decades when I saw hoarfrost in the trees.  It`s magical, turning all those branches bright white with sparkling frost crystals.  You have to get out there for any pictures, because it will melt in the sun by lunch or earlier.

The view out our back window at the last house.

Such frost requires specific atmospheric conditions to occur.  Still cold nights mean that the surface of tree and shrub twigs is below the freezing point, and high water vapour condenses and freezes immediately, building up ice crystals that grow as the temperature drops..

You also need bright sunny days to see it.  A few more tomorrow.


  1. Yes, it is so pretty. I've seen it quite a few times around by me.

  2. I saw this a few times in Colorado and yes, it is magical. And very ephemeral.
