After cross-country skiing, snowshoeing was my favourite winter activity when we lived in the valley. It's such a neat way to walk in deeper snow. If nothing else it keeps the snow away from the top of your boots. It also leaves a really neat track behind you.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Memories of Snowshoeing
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Have You Ever Seen Hoarfrost Up Close?
I love the distant views of hoarfrost in the treetops, but once I photographed it up close it was incredible! And another idea is to aim directly at the sun, but position it behind a tree so you enhance the real sparkly effect. What do you think?
These are three of my best sparkly photos.Sunday, February 23, 2025
I can only remember three times over the past couple of decades when I saw hoarfrost in the trees. It`s magical, turning all those branches bright white with sparkling frost crystals. You have to get out there for any pictures, because it will melt in the sun by lunch or earlier.

Saturday, February 22, 2025
Remembering William
Our oldest son William would have turned 48 today. I can't believe it! It's 10 years since his water bomber went down while fighting a forest fire in northern Alberta. He was described as a hero at his three memorials, and I believe it. He was looked up to by his crew as a leader.
Will decided to become a pilot and nothing stood in his way. After college he flew out of Kenora, on Fiji, out of Prince Rupert, for Wasaya Airways in northern Ontario (the big twin engine freight planes), and finally for Conair, the fire-fighting company out of Abbotsford, B.C. I've just finished reading the 96 tributes to him on the Forever Missed website, and he's uniformly described as a kind, compassionate friend. He always put safety first, and he had a dry sense of humour.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
More Winter Shadows
It wasn't just along roads that I noticed winter shadows, fences sometimes also created striking patterns,. And sometimes when I was snowshoeing along a trail through the woods I would come across an interesting pattern of shadows.
On a big cattle farm, this was a pretty serious fence to maintain, but it casts neat shadows .Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Winter Shadows
Back in those good old days when I was driving, one of the things I really noticed was the shadows across some of the roads I drove down, usually quiet side roads . These were the east-west roads of course and there was no traffic so I could just stop in the middle of the road and get a picture.. These were years with normal snowfall, much less than we're getting this year. On bright sunny days the patterns were striking.
Sometimes the snow was sticky and outlined all the tree trunks in white. Hope you enjoy these.These are for Rosalea, who featured a similar photo in her post of Feb. 2nd on her blog Chronicles from the Hill. Hope you all enjoyed them!
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Guess What!?
If you guessed right we got another snowstorm! It never stops, and just builds up and up and up! I watched the guys who came to shovel our front sidewalk, the snow was a foot deep again! We're missing a lot of care-giving shifts because of the poor visibility for driving caused by the blowing snow.
Yes the snowstick is buried deeply down below that drift in the lower left!When I look out the front window all I see is snow, I'm guessing 3-5 feet deep over our entire front yard and 7 feet deep beside the driveway. This morning the fire hydrant finally disappeared from view.
Now I'm going to go back 10 years and see what other interesting photos I can find from past winters for your amusement.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Flag Day in Canada
Today is National Flag of Canada Day. The familiar red and white Canadian flag was introduced in 1965 after contentious debate in the House of Commons. It replaced the Red Ensign, a flag featuring the British Union Jack in the corner, and the coat of arms of Canada. It's a widely recognized flag today.
Friday, February 14, 2025
As If That Wasn't Enough!
As if we haven't had enough snow yet, we had another foot on Wednesday night. It has really piled up now and the forecast shows no warmer temperatures for the next two weeks. The street didn't get plowed out until late morning, long after our caregiver would have been here if she could get down the street!
How the snow goes over that planter and hangs down like it does I have no idea, but it does. However, the drift below has grown as well so from my vantage point the gap between them has shrunk to very little. Compare that to the last photo of my last post.Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Winter Continues Here!
Winter continues here without letting up. It just snows and snows and snows. It never melts, so it just piles up here. I don't remember so much snow in recent decades! The snowbanks are 4-5 feet high, though I'm sure out in the country where it drifts the plows have cut 10 foot walls of snow. There's even a four foot pile right outside my window just from having the front sidewalk shoveled.
We haven't had many sunny days, though we certainly have longer daylight. I wish for the return of the sun even more than the disappearance of the snow.It's mostly dry snow that just piles up, but every now and then we get a day of wetter snow that sticks to all the twigs of the birch out front. At any rate, THERE IS LOTS OF SNOW!
A person pretty well disappears briefly behind that snowbank when they're walking past.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Imbolc/St. Brigid's Day/Candlemas/Groundhog Day - All at Once!
Ten days ago ago we hit Feb. 1st on the calendar. The first few days of February are dates worth remembering, for we are now halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, some would call it the first day of spring. This is one of the ancient 'cross-quarter' days in Celtic culture, dividing each of the four seasons at their mid-points and celebrated as the first day of spring, at least in Ireland.
The four cross-quarter days all had agricultural significance, representing the days when cattle were driven out to summer pastures, when harvest began, and when harvest was finished for the winter. This awareness of the seasons and their implications for local communities was important in all ancient civilizations.
The name Imbolc dates from that ancient Celtic tradition and refers to the beginning of lambing season (picture those rolling green hills of Ireland dotted with sheep). The coming of spring has always been a very important time, following the months of darkness and sometimes starvation. Plans for planting were made, and for some it was about the return of longer days and more light.
Here on the shores of Georgian bay, buried in 2 feet of snow this year, it's hard to relate! But we are definitely getting more light as the days get longer.
At some point Imbolc got tied to the ancient goddess Brigid, and as Ireland was Christianized in the 5th century by St. Patrick, the ancient goddess morphed into a saint, St. Brigid. In turn St. Brigid's cross became a widely used symbol in Ireland.
Imbolc coincides with Candlemas in the Christian church, the Festival of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. This is also a celebration of the return of the light and the final end of the Christmas season.Saturday, February 8, 2025
One More Special Waterfall!
They're not many people who have a waterfall named after themselves, but I do - by accident! A little more than 10 years ago the Bruce Trail Conservancy purchased a large property where the trail went past a trickling stream and up over a high lookout. It was my job as a volunteer to check out the property and find the corner stakes (easier said than done!).
Thus it was me who donned snowshoes one winter and clambered down a VERY steep slope to see this small waterfall. I was blown away by what I found, a beautiful curtain of ice. This is the first picture I originally took of the falls. Credit to my sister for the remaining pictures below, except for the last one.My sister went for me, and here she is posing beside the new sign for the 'Stew Hilts Side Trail'. Maybe I should have persuaded them to name it the 'Furry Gnome Side Trail', but now you know who I am.
At any rate, people started hiking this new side trail, and posting pictures of the waterfalls on Facebook. The regional tourist brochure on waterfalls added it to their list. And in all this, since it was at the end of the Stew Hilts Side Trail, it became known by default as Hilts Falls. There you go, my very own waterfalls, best visited in winter if you want to see the curtain of ice.