Thursday, September 5, 2024

Visiting the Harbour

I haven't been taking many pictures down at the harbour this year, so I had to gather together what pictures I could find for this post.  I remain enchanted by our sailing school; it seems like a great way to get young kids into sailing.  I can see the small sailboats of the school all summer long.

Given the timing of my own visits, I usually see them over at the sailing school docks, getting the sails up and getting ready to head out.

Here they go heading out into the inner harbour.

Partway through the summer I saw that had acquired some very bright new sails!

There were a few but not many boats docked closer.  This is the 'Last One', a boat based in Meaford and new this year.

Last week I noticed the town staff had been busy putting up the first of the scarecrows for the Scarecrow Festival.  I don't know how the last three misbehaved enough to get hung upside down!

The family of a friend who passed away has paid for a memorial bench in his name.  I find I'm often stopping by to say a quick hello.  It's a peaceful moment.

Sadly, summer is over and the sailboats have all been stored inside, waiting for next year.


  1. I like the photographs here.
    Those yellow sails are colourful, and the scarecrows made me smile :)

    The memorial bench is nicely placed, a nice place to sit a while ...

    All the best Jan

  2. There is a sailing school here too. It is great to see the boats in the bay.what a lovely memorial to your friend!

  3. It is sad seeing them all put away. Lovely photos to remind you!

  4. How nice to have the sailing school. Lovely photos.

  5. Those are bright yellow sails! I laughed at the scarecrows too!

  6. Hanging by a thread, I would say. A lot of effort to get them up there.

  7. Time for the children to go back to school, but I bet they had a wonderful summer learning to sail.
    The scarecrows are hilarious! Your community sure has a lot of fun.

  8. I always thought it would be gret fun to learn to sail! Love the scarecrows!

  9. Lovely summery photos! That bench looks like a perfect place to sit and watch what goes on.

  10. Yes, summer's over now. Trees are beginning to turn color and fawns are loosing their spots.

  11. The signs of our summer season winding down are all around us. Even the putting away of 'sailboats'.
