Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Sheep, Poultry and the Tiniest Car I've Ever Seen!

I left the displays in the curling rink and headed out to the fairgrounds to see what else was out there.  It's an uncomfortable ride in my wheelchair, so I didn't ride all the way across the field to the cattle show, but the sheep, poultry and the fire truck were close at hand. 

First I got past the very large gnome who was advertising 'Christmas on the Bay', a festival held here later in the fall.

Then there was the sheep show.  I couldn't very well barge through the crowds, but I found a spot where I could look through the gate.  About 8 young farmers lined up with their sheep - some after considerable wrestling with the animal!

Heading for the poultry barn I passed the geese who had the luxury of being in a pen outdoors.

Inside each bird was in an individual cage; this duck took home a first place ribbon.

With all the roosters on display the whole place was a cacophony of 'cocka-doodle-do's.  There were dozens of birds on display. 

The turkeys always appeal to me.  They look very dignified don't you think.

I stopped by the fire truck to ask my usual question - 'What advice do you give when there's a disabled person in a home?'  This year I got an interesting new answer.  Apparently you can now have a residential fire plan made, so if they ever get called to your house, they know in advance what to expect.  They all have work phones on which they can call up a map, press on an address, and up pops the information.

All three of them were trying to advise me, and I got the information on who to call.  After all, we had a house fire so I know you only have about 2-3 minutes to get out.  It pays to be prepared.

After that, having thoroughly enjoyed my time at the fair, it was time to go.  I headed up the street, and look what I saw!  /The owner came along right behind me and let me take a picture.  This car is like a motorcycle with a cover dropped down on top.  Such a neat vehicle!


  1. Ah ha, me thinks you might like that little blue car to tootle around in! Just a street worthy version of your current wheels! However I was quite impressed to hear how the fire department keeps track of disabled persons. That's so important in the few minutes to escape safely. Glad you asked!

  2. Oh my that turkey is one ugly bird. :). You got some terrific photos.

  3. I too think you got some terrific photographs.

    All the best Jan

  4. I see a lot of those vehicles in my community.

  5. That car is a curiosity for sure. Love the animals!

  6. No doubt there was some goat wrestling to get them in line but the owners probably had never done it in their Sunday best before! Those turkeys are sure ugly!
    I can only imagine the discomfort in a small car like that.
    Nice day at the fair!

  7. You did get some great pictures, and I sure did enjoy seeing that tiny "car."

  8. Interesting little "car". There's a similar one near here but it looks a bit different, it must be either a different brand or different model. It seems they're actually an enclosed golf cart, they must have a limited market.

  9. Love those animal and bird pictures. Such vibrant colours in all the pictures.

  10. You had a fun daay out and about! Yes there should be a plan for every one in thge house and pets too. Often I see that there is a sticker on the door that says there are pets inside:)

  11. Looks like a mighty nice outing on a fine Summer's day. Cute blue car. If that turkey reads your blog I sure hope he isn't saddened by a few of the comments. I happen to think that turkey is quite a handsome fellow.
