Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Garden in Fall

 Fall in the garden seems to start in early August sometimes, but by mid-September it's well underway.  There are fewer new blooms, less new growth, and some plants are beginning to look bedraggled.  In a garden full of tomato and pepper plants like ours, there are a lot of plants that can be removed once the veggies are harvested.  And we have had a very good harvest!

The biggest difference I notice every morning is the shade outside my window.  Looking straight ahead on a sunny morning, you can see that all the foreground is shaded; the sunshine is way back out there on the patio as the sun sinks lower in the sky behind us.

Among the plants still in bloom, the red rose stands out.

We also have a big clump of Helenium.  I love the bright colours.

The purple Verbena has spread like mad through the garden this year.

Over by our wooden heron we have a clump of Leopard Plant.  This one has very large leaves, and I've sometimes colloquially referred to it as 'Elephants Ears'.

The last of our Clematis has also bloomed.  This one has small yellow flowers, and the shot was takewn from all across the garden, but I thought that captured the best view - they all look like little yellow lanterns.

The harvest of hot peppers has been remarkable!

And the harvest of tomatoes even more remarkable!  As you can tell by the number of varieties here, Mrs. F.G.'s goal this year was to test all the interesting varieties she thought would grow well here.  Most of them did grow well, but the larger ones tended to grow into twisted shapes.  I think she would say that the smaller tomatoes were more successful.


  1. Your gardens are looking lovely going into fall.
    Wonderful crop of peppers and tomatoes. I see salsa in your future. :)
    Here, the gardening group has mixed success with tomatoes and peppers. We had one cherry tomato plant and it produced like mad the last month I was there. I tried planting the peppers in the garden, but clearly in the wrong location as they grew very little and I only had one bloom. Next year I'll try them in containers.

  2. I grew Sicilian Saucer tomatoes last year which were huge and totally misshapen so I won't try that again.

  3. You certainly have a good harvest of tomatoes and peppers.
    The flowers are still colourful and I like your wooden heron.

    All the best Jan

  4. What a wonderful harvest you have had. And all those pretty colorful flowers, still. Those peppers are awesome!

  5. A bountiful harvest. Love those red peppers. What a great color!!

  6. Great harvest. Oh the tomato sandwiches…

  7. We're now two weeks into fall and some of the red maples have begun to turn color. That's quite a collection of tomatoes, many different sizes, shapes, colors and probably flavors. Hope you have something to put out the "fire" from those hot peppers, my mouth likes them but my innards do not!

  8. You two did well in the garden. I'm cleaning up.
