Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Fall Fair!

Meaford is still an agricultural community, with lots of farm families, and this weekend was the annual Fall Fair.  They participate in everything from early grade level Lego projects to cattle showing (with Baking fitting  someplace in the middle there).  I really enjoy seeing the incredible range and variety of exhibits.

A beautiful embroidered quilt.  That's a first place ribbon you see in the upper left.

A Grade 4 Lego farmyard.

Lots of photography submissions.

I have to say I skipped the baking photos, it was just too painful.  But the jam and pickles resonated with me.  This is all the jam.

And these are the pickles.  I wondered what the dark ones on the right were - pickled beets of course.

Then we got to the good part, the veggies.  Tomatoes here, I didn't realize there would be a class for green tomatoes.

A lot of other veggies, from onions to cabbage.

Finally, lots of flowers, but you know me, I'm attracted to the bright ones.  You know my biggest surprise - how many people came up to say hello!  I think I'm beginning to fit into this community after 5 yuears.  I could easily have spent another hour in here, but there was more to see outside.


  1. Great pictures as always. It brings out the sense of belonging and more are recognizing you as their neighbour. We have always enjoyed attending local fairs where-ever we are. Always love the Kids categories.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. What memories this collection of photos brings back to me. When we were kids, we went to the fair every year. I do remember entering ... something, but I doubt I won any prizes. The quilt is gorgeous and the vegetables and canned goods make me think of my mom.
    Thanks for sharing your photos!

  3. Those photos bring back memories of many years ago from my hometown Tavistock's annual Fall Fair. It appears little has changed over the years. The flowers, the jams, the quilts, the vegetables, etc.

  4. What a display of so many varieties. Green tomatoes, and all those other veges in triplicate, apart from huge ones. Flowers galore, and more outside? So glad you are recognised. Guess it was longer than 5 years many years ago until we were accepted as part of the community.Maybe because we did build a large home, now after some 60 or more years the newer ones are all so much bigger, and far more costly !!!

  5. I hope to get to a similar fair over here - though we usually call them "shows" - later this month. Always great entertainment and a chance to meetup with old friends.

  6. Great pictures. Good memories. Long ago, for a couple of years, I entered baking, hand crafts and preserves in the fair where we used to live. It was fun to go and see what ribbons you'd acquired.
    So nice to have people recognize you as a local!

  7. It sounds like a great community event! The variety is interesting too.

  8. Lots to see at the fair. The quilt is beautiful, love the colors.

  9. You just made me hungry for some pickled veggies! Great pictures, thanks.

  10. Looks good, wish you'd shown the baked goods -- photos are far less fattening than the real thing. Glad to hear you're fitting into the community. In some places you wouldn't be accepted if your grandparents weren't born in the community.

  11. Such a lot to see, I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan
