Monday, September 23, 2024

Goldsmiths Part 2

Goldsmiths attracts shoppers off the passing highway with these colourful displays of 'Mums'.   It's just a rich small market, with veggies, fruit, flowers, meat and a bit of baking, all wrapped up in a busy little store.  I never did go inside; the things that are in bulk are all outside.

They must have someone pick out plants that are most completely in bloom!  This shot contains parts of three different plants!

Then we finally found what we came for - tomatoes in bulk.  Mrs. F.G. is trying her hand at making tomato juice.  The kitchen was like a production facility for a week!

We could have picked up some sweet corn, but it's the end of the season and this was pretty expensive.

We've bought sunflowers here before, but not today.  Today it was just tomatoes.

We left Goldsmiths and drove south then west out of Clarksburg, past the extensive Red Prince apple orchards, all protected by tall deer fencing.

These are high density orchards, only planted a few years ago,  It's amazing how many apples they bear already!

1 comment:

  1. What stunning "mums"... and what a coulourful post today. After the Christmas season.. Autumn is my absolute favourite time of year.
