Sunday, September 10, 2023

Misty Meadows Market II

The inside at Misty Market Meadows is just as interesting as all the veggies on the outside.  The store is well laid out, open and spacious, with counters where you can pick up baking, sliced meats, or a sandwich to go .  Big quilts high on the walls and a selection of dry goods that would appeal to Mennonite shoppers.  Mrs. F.G. and I picked up a sandwich and ate at one of the picnic tables outside.

I like the quilts on the walls, and this one struck me as quite beautiful, and an amazing style of piecing.  This would not be an easy quilt to create!

My favourite are the straw hats for the men.

While the women would go for the large quantities of flour (this is in the Mennonite culture).

And I would go for the baking (And I did).

As you'd expect there was lots of maple syrup.

After that it was the long drive back home.  I've always wondered about the tiny hamlet of Hopeville.  I expect its founders hoped it would become bigger than it has.

I've never known where they get the 88 people for the population of Wodehouse, since there are only 4 houses.

Then we drove on home under beautiful sunny skies.


  1. What a great store to browse around in.
    Did you get a new hat? :)
    Having lunch outside sounds lovely.
    Now that's a little town! Makes Accident seem quite large. :)

  2. A wonderful place to visit. I think that quilt looks a little like a kaleidoscope scene! Thanks for the great visit and for taking me along. :-)

  3. Sounds like you had a great day. Near here there was a stop on the railroad that was named "Woodhouse", with only one house. The two places must share something beside the similar names.

  4. A straw hat and maple syrup - what more could a man ask for?

  5. You had a lovely day for a drive, and interesting market to explore, and goodies to enjoy! Perfect.
    I do love the quilt too - the work is amazing.

  6. I love all the hats. Looks like a great place to stop for some special treats.

  7. How nice to have a store with wide aisles, for you and for everyone else! Quilts always amaze me, I'm in awe of the patience it takes to make one. The hats are fun, did you find one to take home?
    Oh, those Cinnamon Buns!! Bill would have to have a package of those.
    Hopeville reminds me of the small berb of Harmony near Stratford. Such beautiful town names.
    Only 88? Perhaps, it was a family reunion when they counted. ♥

  8. It's a fascinating but weird subculture. It's difficult to know how and why they draw the lines that they do.

  9. The hats would have caught my attention too. If I wasn't trying to lose weight I'd love hanging around the pastry counter for sure. It looks like the kind of store I would like as well and what a beautiful day for a relaxing day through the scenic countryside.

  10. That is an exquisite quilt! Baked good too, please! Oh…and maple syrup!

  11. That is a beautiful quilt. We have Mennonite markets around here. I will startled the first time I saw a Mennonite woman using a computer in the market.

  12. That looks a great selection of straw hats.

    All the best Jan
