Friday, September 1, 2023

A Tuesday Afternoon Drive

Tuesday was a beautiful sunny day and Mrs. F.G. suggested we go for a drive.  After some discussion we decided to head south, driving to Conn to visit the big Misty Meadows Market, a place we go almost every August.  It's a drive we can do using almost entirely interesting back roads, and the market makes a great destination, so off we went.

Shortly out of town we crossed the Bighead River, at a low water level at this time of year.

And after a bend or two and up and down we headed up the steep slope of the Niagara Escarpment.

We continued on down almost to Flesherton, but cut off on a back road to avoid the construction.  Straight ahead of us at the bend the corn was high in this field!

Our route took us down County Road 14, but then we cut off again, going past a huge silo and long hog barn far in the distance.  A few years ago Ontario brought in rules regulating the location of new hog barns, which result in them being built at the back of farms.

On south past our favourite beaver pond, 

and over a branch of the Saugeen, now at an extremely low water level!

One more concession and we were headed into the hamlet of Swinton Park, with it's giant grain elevator 
looming over the corn field.
And then the unusual church on the corner, where we once visited for a strawberry social.  Really interesting architecture, the bell tower still intact.


  1. Your rural country looks so similar to our area. We are not so green anymore. That is a wonderful church with wonderful peaks and tower. Our corn has another month before it will be picked. Winter is coming and I am not so glad about that.

  2. A wonderful drive with amazing scenery. Love country roads.

  3. What a picturesque drive! Very nice.

  4. Beautiful countryside just invites one to explore!

  5. I loved coming along on your drive and seeing the lovely countryside. GM

  6. I admit to never having heard of Conn, and GMaps is not helping. 😎

  7. What a nice drive. I enjoyed it very much, so thank you for taking me along! :-)

  8. Reaching destinations on back roads is always a big plus. We are so fortunate to live here in Southern Ontario with all the great countryside around us. I especially like your area with it 'scraggy outcroppings, hills, valleys, scenic look-outs, forests, lakes, and ponds, etc. And of course Georgian Bay.
