Friday, October 7, 2016

Antique Tractor Parade

What I really want to share this weekend is the fall colour, but let me get this tractor parade out of the way first!  It was really neat to stand by the fence and watch all those old tractors parade into the field, most of them representing so many hours of work by their owners.

The tractors came in pretty slowly at first.

This big old steam engine, though currently powered by compressed air, led the way.

This one was a pretty noisy and old contraption too.

Obviously a few of these old tractors were at an early stage of restoration; they were running, but still need a lot of work!  I guess that's the challenge for the owners.

But others, though small compared to today's monsters, wouldn't look out of place in a field around here.  John Deere is one of the biggest makes still in use here.\

 As the parade continued, the first tractors formed a second inner circle, and then a third circle.

I was a noisy but very interesting field full of old tractors by the time they were finished!  But fun to watch.


  1. Wonderful display of farm history! Love it!

  2. Love watching the old tractors in operation, great photos.

  3. This is great - the fall colours can wait! Particularly enjoy seeing the machines that are in...errr...original farmyard condition.

  4. I see a lot of them are quite old fashioned.

  5. You would think those old flat metal wheels would get bogged down in the fields, especially is they were wet. - Margy

  6. Some of those tractors look familiar to the ones way down here. My dad had Farmall tractors on the farm.
