Saturday, June 1, 2024

It's Peony Season!

All of a sudden our garden is transformed, with all the colourful Peonies bursting into flower.  They sure make a statement when I look out the kitchen window!  These provide the first of the big colour schemes in the garden, and mark the beginning of summer for us.  

Our Peonies vary from light pink to deep red; you can guess which ones I like!

There's no denying their beauty, whichever colour they are.

The open structure of the Peony flowers is also fascinating.  We only grow 'single' Peonies, which the bees can access easily.  The fancy 'double' Peonies are not pollinator-friendly.

Moving around on our patio I get various different views of the flowers.

Deep down in behind the taller Peonies is this beautiful pink flower.  It will get moved next year to where it can be seen more easily.

I will return to the theme of Mrs. F.G.'s 'chaos garden' in the next couple of posts and explain a little of what that means.  It means more then you think!


  1. They certainly are colorful! Whenever I see them or someone mentions peonies, I remember the hordes of ants on the peonies that my grandparents' neighbors grew in their garden.

  2. I never thought about that with the bees but it makes sense. The singles remind me a bit of poppies.

  3. Peonies down here do a lot better in the South Island where the winters are much colder. The last photo is my pick, a chair and foot rest and that deep pink, gorgeous.

  4. they are statement flowers indeed!! the pinks are stunning!!

  5. My favourite blooms! Spectacular show, FG!

  6. That's the type of chaos that most people would want to be part of.
    Mrs. FG definitely has a green thumb.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  7. They certainly are beautiful.

  8. Peony blooms are a couple of weeks away here.

  9. gorgeous! Love all the beauties.

  10. Tis the pink peonies that flutter my heart so.

  11. I didn't know that about single and double peonies.

    I was thinking of you yesterday for some reason. Do you mostly post from your phone or do you use a computer? For some reason, I have it in mind that you do it all from your phone. It must take some time and tenacity.

    1. No, I post from a desktop computer, and I read a lot on an ipad..

  12. Amazing! They are huge, and so very pretty. The aroma is something I enjoy most about peonies too. Enjoy while they last.

  13. Such pretty peonies! Sadly they bloom for such a short time and are often flattened by rain.

  14. Gorgeous, gorgeous colour! I think we thrive on colour after 6 months (give or take) of monotones!

  15. I do like peonies, your flowers and photographs are just beautiful.

    All the best Jan
