Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Around Town

I have been out riding, though not as much as I'd like with this broken leg.  The past few days though I have been stuck at home or out to medical appointments.  Today we're headed to the Fracture Clinic again, to make sure my leg is healing properly.  But I have accumulated a very few nice pictures from around town.

Two or three weeks ago this big Bridal Veil Spirea was in full bloom.  Certainly one of our most beautiful flowering shrubs.

When you look closely the blooms are just so dense!

Around the corner, filling a long ditch, have been these beautiful bright Buttercups.  I went by two days later and the town had mowed it down - can't have these weeds taking over the place!

This beautiful Iris, found at the front of a house around the block, is certainly not a weed, and it was just glorious when I photographed it.

Finally, the three Horse Chestnut trees I know of are out in bloom.  I can't think of another tree flower that is so large and yet intricate.


  1. Lots of municipalities just want the high grasses cut, and don't care they are destroying plants that crucial to the pollinators such as Bees and Butterflies.
    Hoping your leg is healing.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Beautiful blooms! The Horse Chestnut is awesome!

  3. I love seeing these gorgeous flowers. Thank you for sharing the beauty.

  4. Irises are at their finest in June!!

  5. Beautiful blooms all. Our lawn is past dandelion on to buttercups now.

  6. A lovely time of year with so many flowers and flowering shrubs in bloom. Our Day Lilies will be out very shortly too. As a young boy, I grew up with a big old Horse Chestnut tree in our front yard. I've always had a special place in my heart for Chestnut trees ever since.

  7. Those iris are beautiful. They haven't cut down the wild flowers along the road YET around here, but it won't be long.

  8. What a lovely trek.
    I am glad you are on the mend.

  9. Your town also does that kind of mowing. 😟

  10. That spirea is gorgeous!! Thank you for that little trip. Hope your leg continues to heal properly.

  11. gorgeous, everything...the iris is stunning!!

  12. Amazing flowers - the spirea is just incredible.

  13. Spectacular spirea! I hope your leg heals quickly.

  14. Beautiful blooms.
    I do hope your leg is healing well.

    All the best Jan
