Saturday, June 15, 2024

Garden Update

There's a steady progression of things blooming in our garden, and Mrs. F.G. is always out there making little adjustments to various things - particularly her tomatoes.  We're moving into Lavender season and there'll be pictures soon, but in the meantime these will catch you up.

The Lavender plants on the right are swelling into the path, so I have to be careful driving down to our patio!

We have only one large yellow Peony, and it doesn't even start blooming until the others are done.

Three of the Clematis are in bloom now.  I particularly like this deep red one growing up against the shed.

There's a large patch of red Valerian glowing beside the path; its colour will last a long time.

We also have a surprising new group of yellow and blue Iris.  Mrs. F.G. says she doesn't remember planting them!

She also got this pretty view of the pale mauve Meadowrue against the stump.

When you look closely the blooms are amazingly intricate.  We got this at the Grange Hollow Nursey, the only place we've seen it.

One day when I was tilted all the way back to raise my broken leg, I got this view of the leaves above my head.  My favourite place when I was young was my tree fort.

Mrs. F.G. is keeping a close eye on all her tomatoes.  She must have memories of all the tomatoes in their back garden, grown by her father.


  1. It's always a lovely surprise when plants come up and bloom and you don't remember planting them.
    That yellow Peony is amazing!!!

  2. Your last words, I can remember the huge vege plot my Dad had on the farm,, but cannot recall a single tomato.The potato plot was massive, a small paddock in itself, and he had a gate that the tractor went through when he ploughed it up.The Valerian, does it have that unusual smell like stale tobacco, the same as the capsules have? Hugh was trying them once, and only once, to help him sleep.And I have not seen a red clematis down here, maybe they are available somewhere, that colour is so cheery.

  3. A hot week coming up out there for the Mrs. Maybe she's the kind that embraces the heat.

  4. I'm hoping that the heat next week gives my tomatoes a boost.

  5. The garden looks very inviting. A great place to destress.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  6. Your garden is gorgeous. My tomato plants only went in this week. Yours are well ahead!

  7. Everything is beautiful in your garden!!!

  8. It does make us chuckle a bit when you felt you had too much garden at your previous home. You don't have as much room here, but you folks are sure putting the space to use. :))

  9. Wow, what wonderful colors and textures in the garden! The peony is amazing, and the meadowrue is so pretty. I'm sure they bring many pollinators...good for the tomatoes.

  10. Very lush foliage. Mrs. F. G. is doing a fine job.

  11. What a wonderful garden! Tell Mrs. FG she is doing a fantastic job.

  12. Lovely flower photos and I like the way your gardens are laid out. Yes, I have tree Fort memories as well.

  13. Happy Father's Day FG! The gardens are lovely! A yellow peony bloom what a wonderful color!

  14. The garden looks beautiful -- my compliments to the lady with the green thumb.

  15. Such lovely colour in your garden.

    All the best Jan

  16. what a beautiful path mrs. f.g. has created. i thought i was at a professional garden!!
