Friday, June 7, 2024

Intruders in the Garden!

Of course besides the plants Mrs. F.G. is growing, we have a few intruders that creep into the garden.  Some we accept, some we have to remove, and with some it's just an ongoing battle!

Recognize this little pair of light green leaves?  This is a Sugar Maple seedling.  With a big Sugar Maple tree overhead, it's not surprising that we have these scattered through the garden.  They have to go.

And these?  These are Milkweeds.  Mrs. F.G. removes some, but leaves others for the Monarchs.

And then there's this little fellow!  I think we actually have a family of them living under the deck, and every morning Mrs. F.G. goes out to check what damage they've done.

They seem to like this planter, the carrot patch.  They dig up the soil which does mess up the carrot patch somewhat.  So the chicken wire cover has been placed on it to deter them.  At our last house I live-trapped 8 of them coming inside, and relocated them 10 miles away.  I think that will be the next step, though I kinda like the cute little furry creatures myself.


  1. I have an ongoing battle with the squirrels digging around in my planters. They toss the plants about while they dig for some treasure.

  2. Maple and spruce seedlings are the most common weed for me.

  3. We have squirrels who visit and I do like them but they very often dig in the wrong places!!!
    I think your furry visitor looks cute.

    All the best Jan

  4. The chipmunks are cute and give Gibbs lots of exercise around our place. They don't bother my few plants.

  5. I think they are cute, too, but it's such a battle to keep little green shoots from being destroyed by them, I hope you are successful with the chicken wire.

  6. Here it is elm seedlings and the bane of my existence, creeping bellflower. Squirrels are more frequent, but it's the rabbits that get into the gardens. I tend to think the wee chipmunks are much cuter too!

  7. We have little trees too. Glad you save some milkweed, and I hope the chippies remain unharmed.

  8. it's a battle for sure!! everyone eats...pays no rent or property taxes says the hubs. we have the same problem!!

  9. Yes, we have those same intruders here as well, and like you, I kinda like the antics of the little furry ones.

  10. Please remember that you folks all moved into their homes (as did we when we built our house) and when humans are long gone from this earth they'll reclaim the land.

  11. It is tricky keeping critters out of our food!
