Monday, October 17, 2022

More Fall Colours!

We left Lanktree Drive and drove a little further south past the sadly abandoned golf course at Talisman to come out at the stop sign right in front of this spectacular view!  This is Old Baldy or Kimberley Rocks, the cliff towering above the east side of the village of Kimberley, in my opinion this is one of the nicest views in the valley.

You can clearly see the different bands of tree species here, from the red maples on the lower slopes to the dark green cedars along the top and bottom of the cliff.  I have led many hikes up to this lookout, the best in the valley.

Not all the trees are bright red though, there is a range of more subdued colours, from yellows to brown.

We had turned back north here and were approaching Beaver Valley Cidery.  There are a lot of trees that have turned yellow, and that is another colourful tree up ahead.  I wonder if someone else has stopped to get pictures there too. 

And here was the brightest, most completely red Sugar Maple we have ever seen.  It was simply amazing!  And all red at once.  And someone else had stopped to get pictures too.

 I cannot get close-ups of leaves easily anymore, so instead I focus on the branches.  I find the black branches behind the leaves create wonderful patterns.

Hope you enjoyed these. I could easily do entire posts on individual trees.  Lots more to come!


  1. Wonderful colours.
    I do like this time of year.

    All the best Jan

  2. The colours are so uplifting. Love that sugar maple.

  3. Such a glorious end of a short life. Individual trees are pretty, the hillside, magnificent. Worth a drive and a great view for a picnic. Wish I could do that…

  4. It's so beautiful and I'm glad we're taking pictures now. They are already starting to fade in our area too.

  5. I really liked that Kimberly view. It has been a great Autumn for colors.

  6. So pretty! The maples are simply gorgeous.

  7. Branches and trunks look good woven in with the colour.

  8. The oranges and reds are so wonderful. It is definitely fall there. It was a great drive.
