Yes, a week after successfully chasing Sandhill Cranes around Elsinore, west of Owen Sound, Mrs. F.G. saw another Facebook post reporting a flock of about 100 'near Copper Kettle'. So after physio this week she sprung it on me and we headed out to hunt for them. I pulled up Google Maps and looked for open fields in that area (Copper Kettle itself sits in forest for all directions). So I directed us on our new expedition.
And we were quickly successful. The Cranes were scattered over a large field around a farmstead, walking along searching for food, Mixed in with them were a few Canada Geese, looking about half the size of the cranes.Luckily for us they were close enough to the road that we got a really good luck at individual birds, unlike the enormous flock we saw two years ago east of Collingwood.
As we passed the farmstead we saw there was an even larger number ahead in the next field, so on we went.
We counted nearly 100 before we moved on. And so our second Sandhill Crane hunting expedition was a success. My only regret was not having my big camera, so I couldn't really crop in closely. But sometimes it's better to just enjoy what you're seeing!