Tuesday, November 27, 2018


We had a gentle snowfall of heavy wet snow in the early morning hours, the kind of snow that stuck to every branch and twig, one of those 'winter wonderland' days.  Here are a few shots from the yard for your viewing pleasure.


  1. That is my kind of weather! Beautiful. We got it here as well.

  2. Wow! So different from my day's view. Love it. :-)

  3. It looks so beautiful! We have had snow since the afternoon but it isn't sticking to the ground much yet, at least here downtown it isn't.

  4. Beautiful to view, miserable to shovel -- the view is worth the shoveling.

  5. The pictures are really pretty, F.G. love the colours and lack of them all at the same time. :)

  6. We've had snow in November before, but right now it is warm, abut 10C day and night. The weatherman says we are in a La Nina system with warmer, dryer winter weather. He seems to be right. - Margy

  7. So pretty! Such a nice change from our constant, tedious, drowning, pouring rain here in western Washington State. Thank you for such gorgeous snow scenes. :-)

  8. Some particularly pleasing photographs. I spent a long time working on farms and never quite got to like the snow despite the enthusiasm of the young people I worked with in later years.

  9. We had some snow stick in North Florida a couple of years ago. (or was it just last season) It was quite the event.

  10. Yes, it so pretty when the snow sticks to everything. Our snow today was light and fluffy and VERY windy and it is still coming down.

  11. That's a pretty groovy snow sculpture in the first photo.

  12. Love the shots especially the first is so fun.
