Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Winter Birds!

I've actually been worried about how few birds are passing by our feeders this winter, so I was delighted to see a number of birds fluttering around the feeders when I passed through the kitchen later in the morning.  There were several Chickadees and Goldfinch, and at least one each of White-breasted Nuthatch and Red-breasted Nuthatch.

My first good shot was of a Chickadee and a White-breasted Nuthatch.

The Nuthatch kept moving down and the Chickadee quickly flew away.  There's obviously a goldfinch on the opposite side of the feeder too.

The Goldfinch will occupy a perch and simply keep eating.  Chickadees pick up an individual seed and carry it away to hammer it open.

One flew in in spite of the Goldfinch sitting there,

but the Chickadee was soon just hanging off the bottom of the feeder.  Never-the-less, I am encouraged with the prospect of winter avian visitors.


  1. What a great selection of birds. Such tiny but entertaining creatures.

  2. We don't have as many birds at the feeders as in other years. The deer like our seed:)

  3. My goldfinches are still sticking to the spruce trees. There was a red bird at the feeder, but it flew off before I could identify it. We have a female downie coming and going. My sweetie went to Peavey and stocked up on suet cakes. I'm going to make some from scratch too. Thank goodness the blue bullies have gone elsewhere. The chickadees are enjoying the peace. We have Hoards of them!

  4. I love seeing how nuthatches hang upside down. Great shots!

  5. Wonderful photos of the winter birds. I miss feeding them, but as I won't be here part of the winter, I don't want to add another task for my daughter.

  6. What a delightful view of the beginning of winter
    Thanks you. Mary

  7. Lovely to see these birds on the feeder.

    All the best Jan
