Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Storms Come and Go

The winter weather goes up and down as we know to expect.  We've now gone through a couple of warmer (4-5°) days leading to a big melt, and now the snow and colder temperatures are back!  Wind makes for bad driving (and missed caregiver visits), and today an actual forecast of a blizzard!

On two mornings the sun actually came out, and as the temperature climbed above freezing, the snow started to melt, or more accurately to 'sublimate', simply disappearing into the atmosphere.  You'll notice that the top of our snowstick has been partially exposed in the lower left.

With the sun out, the shadows were back, though they were shadows of fewer trees now that all the ash had been removed last summer.

Then this morning we woke to much colder temperatures and blowing snow.  You could hardly make out the houses across the street.  No caregivers today!

And the living room window, facing north, was plastered with snow, blown against the glass.  You may be able to see in the lower left hand corner that our snowstick has disappeared again.  Meanwhile I'm making the best of my winter hibernation, as I enjoy sitting by the window and dwelling in memories of the summer.


  1. Our daughter down south in NZ also gets horizontal snow that sticks to the windows. Bare branches are still lovely against the sky. The heron might as well hibernate.!!!

  2. With the snow melts than freezes again, it leaves a dangerous layer of ground ice.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Loved the last photo of snow on the window. Yesterday I had a similar view with rain, but nothing worth seeing beyond it.

  4. Such a different scene. We have had similar weather. Snow covered to bare ground now…going back soon.

  5. So tell me now. Do you dwell on blizzards in the summer?

  6. That looks a lot like what we saw on Sunday, with the snow smushed up against the window and the snow in the air. We had a couple of days of very cold weather, but it will reach more normal temps today. I hope that you get the warmup soon too!
