Monday, December 9, 2024

Freezing Rain

The temperatures rose yesterday and the snow began to melt.  Today we have a fine drizzle becoming rain.  It's a fine dance between the temperature and the rainfall, potentially quite treacherous.

Mrs. F.G. is in Owen Sound shipping off our parcel for the kids out west.  With Canada Post on strike everyone is using courier companies, which are therefore overwhelmingly busy.  The deadline is Friday, so we're a few days early, but we'll still be crossing our fingers.


  1. Couriers are not picking up deliveries for our business as of today. Things are sure in a mess! We didn't get freezing rain today, just another few inches of snow.

  2. We shipped a parcel via courier on Saturday, to a sister in southern BC. Pretty expensive but "take it or leave it". Hope the freezing rain doesn't develop further. G.

  3. Even down here the Canada postal strike has affected my Christmas gift postages. Even to try and get a real gift card from a sports shop is hard, they do e- cards so easily, but I want a physical one!! I had hoped that at least one HUGE store would be able to do one by courier. Meantime over in B C, it is warmer than the previous -20, the 12 day stint has turned into 20 at the moment, and I regularly look at Pine Pass Facebook page where people send in road updates. Mrs F G, you have done well to get the parcel away in good time.

  4. The freezing rain is treacherous and something we are seeing more and more of it here in Saskatchewan. I'm happy to be retired so I don't have to go anywhere unless I want to.
    I've been reading about the increased costs of shipping parcels - it simply reaffirms to me that Canada Post is an important public service. (I also stand with their workers)

  5. We have a parcel to get ready and gone by Friday. Thanks for the re minder, FG.

  6. Good luck with that! I've been watching for rain.

  7. Pretty picture. Bummer about the postal strike but they charged an arm and a leg to ship parcels anyway. May as well use a courier.

  8. Such a shame with the postal strike, hope the courier will get the parcels delivered safely for you.

    All the best Jan
