I learned just a few days ago that the Bruce Trail Conservancy is acquiring a property they are naming 'Eagle Summit'. It's a prominent landmark along the escarpment where it dips down to the bottom of the Beaver Valley, featuring a high rocky lookout. The viewpoint was once on the Bruce Trail, but landowner permission changed and now it's inaccessible. However, I know the neighbouring landowners so one day nearly 10 years ago I hiked out there. It will always be 'Vulture Rock' to me, for the number of vuItures I saw when I was out there.
This is a view of the property from below. It`s a prominent outcrop on the east side of the valley, just south of the village of Kimberley. It's almost as prominent as the nearby and much better known Old Baldy, but there`s no trail out to these rocks.
Looking closely at the highest point, it's a series of rock ledges, unlike the tall vertical cliffs of Old Baldy, but providing an even better view!
Just north of this property a huge rockfall occurred about 10 years ago, when one of the dolostone fissures gave way. This is on Conservation Authority land.
Looking down on the rockfall from above you can see that the broken off pieces of rocks are white more than gray, and several were car-size chunks.
Standing in one place you can look north and south to get a spectacular view of the valley. This is the view north with the bottom of the old Talisman ski runs just visible on the left, and the village of Kimberley along the road but hidden among trees, just left of centre..
And this is the view south (or southwest). The slopes of the Beaver Valley Ski Club are obvious and you can just pick out the Bowles Hill Road, curving up the steep slope, to the left of the ski runs..
I was standing at Turkey Vulture height; they glided past or below me. 'Eagle Summit' is of course just a fund-raising name; I think it would have been better labelled 'Vulture Rock'!