Thursday, November 9, 2023

Another Sunday Afternoon Drive

It wasn't Sunday and I'm not sure it was even afternoon, but we went for another drive to our usual haunts and I got some more interesting pictures.  We were keeping our eyes open for those elusive Sandhill Cranes, but I wasn't really expecting to see any.  Still it was nice to get out of the house.

We did our drive in reverse this time, heading north after Owen Sound, turning at Copper Kettle and driving to the hamlet of Shouldice.  This 'hamlet' consists only of the small church (apparently still in use), and an adjoining old one room schookhouse, now a residence.

After that it was down the narrow little-used road we enjoy.

This was the field we saw hundreds of Sandhill Cranes in last year; this year it's a field of winter wheat, just emerging from the ground.

Then we drove down through the marsh, but the Swans and Egrets had left or were hiding,

In the more open water portion we did spot a pair of ducks, though personally I found the stumps and their reflections more interesting.

The bulrushes were thick along the road.

We then drove a bit further west, turning south until we caught the road that would eventually take us east through Kilsyth.  These cattle looked pretty peaceful relaxing in the rough pasture.

Then the eagle-eyed Mrs. F.G. spotted them - 10 Sandhill Cranes in a field some distance away.  Can you spot them?



  1. Oh that's great that you saw some of the cranes. Are you going back tomorrow? I would!

  2. Great spotting of the cranes. What a lovely area for a look around. That road is like a roller coaster track.

  3. Fantastic! I'm glad your hunt for the sandhill cranes was successful.

  4. Beautiful photos from your drive.
    I love the old church and that it is still being used.

  5. Yes, I finally found them! What a lovely ride; I love that old windy road, too.

  6. Lucky that you saw the cranes. That must have been exciting.

  7. You found them! That church is ever so pretty:)

  8. Yes, spotted. I like the church and the road too. That was a very nice outing for you.

  9. Congratulations to Mrs. FG for spotting the cranes. H is my spotter when we go for a drive, she sees more wildlife than I do.

  10. We have been fortunate to have some nice days for getting out and about in the countryside this Autumn. Because they are not as abundant as Canada Geese it is always a special treat to see Sandhill Cranes. I first heard and then saw some in the air last week going over our house in a southeast direction.

  11. I was sure I'd left a comment here but blogger does 'mess about' from time to time!!!
    Lovely photographs and nice to see the cranes.

    All the best Jan

  12. It is so hit and miss for us. If you go, the birds just might not be there. Today, snow. Brrrr.

  13. The cows do seem content. My dad raised herefords and we had 27 of them. He got to know them by name and sold the caves each year or saved back heifers making the heard grow. We had 120 acres of timber that they were allowed to wander through.
