Friday, April 1, 2022


Yes, I've got pneumonia.

It started on Sunday with 10 hours of violent vomitting, not the usual start for pneumonia.  I kept trying to think of something I had eaten that would cause a 24 hour stomach bug.

By Monday I was recovered from that, but I was very lethargic and developing a cough with a distinct rattle.  By Wed, we headed for emerg, and after a long wait including two chest x-rays, I got the diagnosis and was put on antibiotics,

I'm taking it easy, and will get back to posting when I have something interesting to say!


  1. Oh no! So sorry to learn that you are ill. Rest up and heal. I look forward to knowing you are back on your rambles.

  2. So sorry to hear that. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care.

  3. Sending lots of healing energy your way. Yikes!

  4. So sorry to hear that. You need some nice warm sunny weather to help you get better. Hope you are back to us soon.

  5. Take care. I hope they gave you a COVID test.

  6. Sorry to hear you have pneumonia. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

  7. Like Jenn, a Covid test would have been a good idea, down here, vomiting is also one of the symptoms. Hope you get better soon with the meds, meantime hope some sunshine will help the healing.

  8. Prayers you recover soon!
    What an ordeal you are having. Rest is very essential. Heed well your Doctor's orders.

  9. Sending healing wishes your way. FG.

  10. Take good care. Pneumonia is not to be treated lightly.

  11. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  12. I take it that this may be a result of your condition? Whatever the case, it sounds brutal. All the best.

  13. I wish you a rapid recovery.

  14. So sorry to hear you're sick...have had pneumonia twice so far this year. It's no fun. And it does tend to take it out of Use yours to heal. Don't try to do anything else. Your life is requiring your attention at this point. I know at least from my experiences that a month would go by before I was back to where I had started, or anywhere near.

  15. Sorry to hear F.G. hope you will be back to yourself soon.

    1. Bill beat me to it tonight.
      I also am sorry to hear this but again you have the best nurse around!

  16. Well, that is a nasty piece of bad luck. Hopefully you and your team can get this set-back quickly under control. We need you outside soon to catch those Spring flowers poking out of the ground.

  17. Thinking of you this morning, FG! Take care.

  18. Wow. The next post we see from you had best be that you've recovered. Hoping the best for both of you.

  19. So sorry to hear this! Hope you recover quickly.

  20. this is much more serious for you and i understand that!! i hope you start to feel better now that you have started the antibiotic!! i hope your nursing care has returned to the normal routine, you really need close attention now!!
