Monday, November 15, 2021

Garden and Winter Arrangements

Mrs. F.G. has been working hard to put the garden away for winter.  She does tidy it up, but much of that involves mulching as much as she can with leaves, protecting the few tender plants we have in pots, and doing some final fall pruning.  She is careful to leave lot of shelter for the bugs, and sometimes I think we're here mainly to feed the wee beasties, the squirrels!

The planters on the deck were the first to be tidied.  They've been bare for 2 or 3 weeks now.

Across from them the main part of the new garden surrounding the patio has been tidied a bit, but left mostly as it is, except for removing the Dahlias.

The older patches of garden outside the living room and den windows though, have been heavily mulched with leaves.  What was a sea of green a month ago is now a motley vision of leaves.

The narrow gardens down the sides of the house (the first mainly day lilies, the second mainly veggies) have been heavily mulched.  The lower photo is a bit out-of-date, as all these pots have been lifted down into the window wells for protection.  The snow will protect them quite well there.

And out front Mrs. F.G. has created two wonderful arrangements of evergreens, red osier dogwood stems and other things.  These look great beside our front door.  A good friend who lives on a small farm gave her the varied evergreen bows, and she gathered the red osier herself.

Finally, out back she created a slightly smaller arrangement for each of the four planters.  Particularly when everything is covered in white these will be quite striking as the only things poking up above the snow.


  1. It looks great, and it seems like the Mrs. has been very busy getting everything ready for winter. Lovely arrangements indeed! I look forward to seeing them in the snow. :-)

  2. The leaves are so good for the garden and certainly do protect the plants. The arrangements look wonderful. I am still cutting things back and still have some flowers on tough Marigolds and my yellow Mum plant.

  3. Mrs F G, your gardening up North is so different to ours down here. The day lilies survive in our garden, open to all the winter elements, and in many years the only beautiful shrub I have lost to a series of heavy frosts is the Luculia, I forgot to cover it with frost cloth. Ev en the tibouchina has survived many winters. Those leaves will give great cover , mulch a great protector.And the greenery arrangements, they are totally gorgeous. I see the heron is waiting to dip his head in the snow!!!

  4. Mrs FG sure has been busy. Seems like she just got things planted!! Time sure flies.

  5. The arrangement are so well done. I like using leaves for mulch also. I have a neighbor busy sweeping his grass and getting rid of every leaf. I know he hates my front trees as they blow don on his grass. You have some great colors in your fallen leaves.

  6. So nice to see these photographs, Mrs FG has been busy, it all looks very good.
    I do like the winter arrangements.

    All the best Jan

  7. We pulled the annual plants several weeks ago, but most of our garden plants are perennials and they still have green leaves but they're fading fast. In the next two weeks I'll take the hedge shears and cut all the leaves and stems to ground level and add most of them to the compost pile. Just like in your garden tree leaves will be left for mulch and as shelter for the insects and spiders that inhabit the garden.

  8. That sure looks like a lot of gardening work alright but what a great creative hobby. Gardening can be so rewarding as you both know. Good stuff:))

  9. Great job, Mrs F.G.! Must feel good to be ready for the snow…..we still have a way to go.

  10. The arrangements are lovely! We're having high winds today, so any leaves that remain will be blown to Manitoba. :p

  11. She has done well although the fall cleanup is not as much fun as the doing planting. In fact, I don't find it fun in the least.

  12. The dogwood always looks great in arrangements. It’s used a lot here too.

    Great job on the garden and arrangements, Mrs. FG.

  13. Great arrangements that Mrs. FG made. I brought home some boughs of a long needled pine that blew over in our storm. Maybe I could try to emulate your arrangements. Oh yes, I think putting wire over the raised boxes is such a good idea. No more holes dug by squirrels or worse yet, cats.

  14. oooooh she is so wonderful!! i know this is hard work as i helped the hubs ...

    her christmas/winter arrangements are so beautiful, they will look awesome all winter and especially when it snows!!

  15. Nice winter arrangements! Looks like you all are ready for the snow:)
