Sunday, January 5, 2025

Winter Comes, Winter Goes, Then it Comes Again!

We're in the middle of a continuing roller coaster of winter.  On Christmas Day it was still snowy, but then the big thaw began, taking us almost all the way to green grass.  Today it is snowing like mad again and winter is back.

Christmas Day

Just four days later.

Dec. 30 - it looks like spring!

A light snowfall that was gone within hours.

Jan. 2 - a nice gentle snowfall, about 4" deep.
Note our snowstick in the lower left.

Yesterday morning - about a foot now, and lots of blowing snow today!


  1. Love seeing the big buildup on your snowstick's back!

  2. It really has been nuts. I guess that's the way 2025 is gonna roll!

  3. Crazy weather for you and the same here, no snow at our place but further north, and we had a chilly 9C at the most this morning. The snow stick, he must be longing for summer to arrive.

  4. We've had the same kind of weather. Right now it is WINTER with more snow coming tonight!

  5. The weather seems to be causing problems wherever we live.
    Here in the UK we have bad weather warnings!

    Stay safe and warm.

    All the best Jan

  6. You've been having some extreme weather

  7. Same here although not as much snow. Plenty cold now, though

  8. You have a winter wonderland! Here in Virginia, I got some snow falling but it didn't stay. Bummer.

  9. The fresh snow is always so pretty. I'm just not a fan of having to shovel it, or deal with the cold weather that comes with it. I am grateful to have two months here in Yuma. (though I'll admin 52F/11C seems a little chilly these days!

  10. Still no snow here although a couple of flakes came down earlier.

  11. We are just starting our roller coaster here. No big snows for over 3 years, so most of us are in a bit of shock.
