Thursday, January 9, 2025

A Peaceful 'Normal' Winter?

 Looking out the window this morning I was struck by how 'normal' a winter this appeared.  A foot of snow, gentle snow falling easily, and no wind.  And to beat that it was beginning to look like we might get some sun today!    And we did!

It was simply a gorgeous winter's day!

You could almost picture sitting our there in the sun!

Yesterday wasn't at all so nice!

And for those who were asking, our snowstick is in find shape, with a nice winter blanket.


  1. It can change so quickly! We are having some snow every day now.

  2. Certainly looks lovely in your first two photographs, and Snow-stick Crane has a nice winter blanket.

    All the best Jan

  3. We saw a few peeks of the sun here too, but it didn't last long.
    The snow is so pretty.

  4. Your place does look peaceful with the sun touching down on your snow covered yard. Postcard worthy!

  5. That blanket of snow should keep your snowstick crane nice and cozy warm.

  6. I like it where the snow stick has it's head buried in the snow.

  7. No wind? It’s been fierce here. We’ve turned back from attempted walks.

  8. Very pretty, but I'm happy to be away from it. :)

  9. Beautiful scenes! Our snow is pretty, but I am already tired of it.

  10. I used to have chairs like that and kept them out intentionally in the winter as a sculptural statement in my yard. I really like seeing the height of snow on things to figure out how much snow fell. You have a great backyard view.
