Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Snowshoeing Through the Woods

Lest you think I only cross-country skied and never snowshoed, here is my usual walk that often required snowshoes.  At our previous domicile, while our last dog, Roxie was still with us, I took her for a walk through the woods every morning.  She could be off the leash once we reached the woods, and she really loved it!  And occasionally we had one of those light but sticky snowfalls that turned the woods into a winter wonderland.

The trail through the woods was an old tractor trail, and these two big old maples marked the beginning of the trail.

On this occasion the lower level shrubs, mostly dogwoods, were all coated in white; it was just beautiful!

It wasn't a long trail, but it was interesting and convenient, so we walked here frequently.

On more than one occasion I met the owner, and was welcomed to walk here anytime.

That day I was using my bearpaw snowshoes.  I preferred the old traditional ones.

We could follow various loops, and the owners themselves laid out a wandering trail which I really enjoyed.  Part of the trail if we walked that far went down the old farm lane, past those rocky stone walls I showed you a few posts ago.

Before long we were always back at the beginning where there was 100 yards of younger trees outside the edge of the actual woodlot, and then it was out into the subdivision.

In case you've forgotten, this is Roxie, our good old Grey County mutt, who loved nothing more than burying herself in the snowdrifts, as you can see!


  1. Magical is what I have called snow for a long time, specially as we don't get it where we live. The stickiness, the depth, and fun for every dog that loves it as much as Roxie.

  2. Trees with snow on are so beautiful. Could you please explain what á subdivision is please.

  3. Those were the days, my friend; we both thought they would never end.

  4. That is a magical place. Roxie looks so happy in the snow. I have wonderful memories of being out in the snow with a dog - they always seemed to love it so.

  5. Lovely photographs, and doesn't Roxie look happy in the snow.

    All the best Jan

  6. Roxy is so funny covered in snow. :)

  7. Walking through the quiet woods, taking in the beauty of the snow covered trees, and breathing in the fresh air is elixir for the soul. I'm sure you're missing it.

  8. What a fun outing both for you and your dog! Good memories:)

  9. Roxie was a character, love the photos of her in the snow. You had such a wonderful place to visit with her.

  10. Winter wonderland for sure. The joy of a dog out and about that way is enough in itself to keep one visiting the area. The snow dog!

  11. That is just beautiful! Just be careful not to dislodge those cold snow clumps down your neck!
    Used to do a bit of (sort of) Skijoring with our dogs. (long since deceased) Things went well until something attracted their attention, off trail!!!

  12. What a cutie pie is Roxie! Your photos are beautiful. A true winter wonderland. Keep warm!
