Friday, August 25, 2023

The Seasons They Are A 'Changin'!

The early signs of fall are all around us.  I can't believe the beautiful summer I enjoy so much is nearly over.  It feels like it's over already.  For now I see the changes in the garden, in the weather, and on the drives we do through the countryside.  In 6 weeks I'll see it in the coloured leaves of our real fall here.

The garden has changed from Day Lilies, Lavender and Clematis to Echinacea and Zinnias, of which these two are just samples.

And other less common flowers like these Helenium, one of my favourites.  It's one of the Sneezeweeds, a name which doesn't do justice to its delicate beauty.

And yes, the Day Lilies, star of the show for our garden, are pretty well over.  These very dark purple ones are about the last.

Elsewhere, as I ride down the Collingwood St. hill, and as we drive round the countryside, the goldenrods are stars of the late summer show.

And all manner of different trees and shrubs are laden with berries, as I showed you a couple of posts back.  These are Mountain Ash berries, at the edge of the parking lot by the new physio clinic I go to.

The very few trees showing a little colour here are still few and far between, but come October they'll be the stars of the show.

The biggest changes are two I can't easily show you in photos, the colder (and here wetter and rainier this year) weather, and the later/earlier darkness.  In the morning and evening these make a big difference.  Please just give me some hot sunny weather yet!


  1. I'm with you, I'm not ready for autumn just yet. We've got a week of heat ahead of us, though with cooler nights. I do love the fall colours though!

  2. It is amazing how fast the seasons keep rolling by.

  3. I wish we could send you some hot sunny days but even if we could it would come with smoke and awful air quality.

  4. The flowers from your garden all looks so lush and beautiful. Mrs FG does a great job.

  5. The seasons just keep on changing, and I'm gonna be glad to see the last of summer! It's too hot for me. Fall is so much more civilized. :-)

  6. When I looked at the long range forecast earlier in the week, I saw that the highest temperature o any day was to be 24. At that point I said that summer was effectively over.

  7. Plants are changing here too. It seems like it's a bit early for fall.

  8. The poor sneezeweeds and goldenrods that get blamed for the hay fever people suffer from the pollen of the ragweed with its small green flowers that nobody notices. Your snezeweed is beautiful as is your zinnia.

  9. Yes you are right and the seasonal change is well underway. The signs are everywhere and that special feeling and anticipation of Autumn is in the air.

  10. We have had a wet summer and today is torrential rain. There is a hurricane lurking in the south Atlantic too. Oh me nerves!

  11. You are at the end of your summer glory in your garden, ours is just starting, 2 daffodils, grape hyacinths, snowdrops, bearded iris ( so out of season) and earlicheer too.That last Day Lily is stunning.

  12. It changes from warm to cool far too quickly, after waiting for the slow incline from spring to summer.

  13. I see the changes and was blaming it on the drought. Now I too see trees turning yellow here. Shorter days are no fun. You have beautiful flowers. Great shots.

  14. Lovely flowers! We’ve had a drought this year and some of the trees are already turning.

  15. With a garden like that to look at it's no wonder you love the summer.
