Friday, March 24, 2023

Spring is fickle!

Weather in this early spring is definitely fickle!  It is sunny and warm one day and we get snow the next, sometimes lots of snow.  Looking back through old photos I came across this pair of pictures I really like that says it exactly.  These are taken at our old house, on the first day of spring and the day after that year.  They are both panoramas, which distorts the perspective slightly toward the outside edges.

The two photos are less than 24 hours apart.  We thought the snow had all gone, and then there it was, back again.  And that light snowfall was followed by a good deal more later that week!  Spring is always like that, coming in fits and starts.  You can see the shed I built to the right, and the pines I planted on the left.


  1. our weather has been very fickle as well. we didn't get any snow this winter...we are getting heavy rain today and it is forecasted for tomorrow also!!

  2. You managed to get the two photos with the same perspective pefectly. What a difference a day makes!

  3. Same here. One day with brilliant sunshine, the next with torrents of rain. :-(

  4. Amen to that. It's has been yoyo weather.

  5. There will probably be snow tomorrow although we are to get mostly rain here in Toronto.

  6. We had significant snow last night and again this weekend. It will eventually be over for this season.

  7. You are so right about spring being fickle, it certainly is here -- and getting more so as the climate changes.

  8. There is no real rhyme or reason for weather, apparently!

  9. The same thing happens when I look back through the years. One year, the snow is almost gone. The next year, we had a major storm. It was pretty nice here yesterday, but it is a different story today.

  10. Funny, I just posted a similar type photo, however mine were two years apart. We can't count on spring to arrive with any regularity. Hopefully it will soon stick around.

  11. I remember springs like that when I lived in Colorado. So surprising. Flowers up and then covered in snow! Great panoramas.

  12. Yes, describing Spring as coming in fits and starts sums it up very well.

  13. Yes, spring can come and then be gone at an instant. I like both of your photos sharing the contrasting change.
