Monday, March 24, 2025

It is March After All!

 You may remember the gigantic piles of snow we enjoyed this winter.  I can't quite believe it, but they actually disappeared pretty quickly, thanks to 4 or 5 warm days and steady breezes that just soaked the snow up into the atmosphere.  The river was flowing full, but not  even any significant flooding that I heard of.

This is the huge pile of snow that was left here on Mar. 11th, just less that two weeks ago.

 The snow melted fast over just 3 or 4 days, leaving the view out back mostly free of snow.

And it just kept on melting.

Immediately after the snow disappeared, the first Hellebore were in bloom.  You'd almost think they were blooming under the snow and just waiting!

But of course, as my title alludes, this is March in southern Ontario!  We've all been there before.

And then the next day the cycles repeated itself, though it's still a surprise every time it happens!

Again the Hellebore were ready and waiting!  So it will continue!


  1. It's about the same here today, but I am not sure if I have ever seen a Hellebore, ever, in my whole life . 😔

  2. I was talking to our Grandson in Vancouver at the weekend, and mentioned your sublimation information. There is a lot of rainfall there, way more than he anticipated. Probably similar to the West Coast in our South Island, in 1986, we were there and it rained every day for our first 6 weeks, had rained every day for 3 weeks prior.!! Interesting to see your changing scenes as the snow goes then returns.But Hellebore are a wonderful sight as spring approaches.

  3. Oh my! It's like playing peekaboo with winter! That's just crazy. Hellebores, though, what troupers they are.

  4. It's truly amazing how quickly the snow can disappear and the hellebores are right there waiting patiently to show their flowers. Hopefully you've had the last of the snow now.

  5. Looks like spring might even be reaching you. :)

  6. Lovely photographs, especially nice to see the Hellebores.

    All the best Jan

  7. Typical for Ontario. We're not ruling out the chance of the white stuff after we return mid April. Hope not but it happens a lot!

  8. Our snow was gone but more on the way tonight. Yuck!

  9. That's a pretty hellebore, ours, which is blooming now, is just plain middling green.

  10. Did your "snow stick" fall over?

  11. Lovely to see bare ground...and blooms! again. Enough snow fell yesterday, that I contemplated snowshoes briefly in the AM, then it got wet and soggy.

  12. Even if there is some more snow now it won't last long. Hurray!

  13. We've got to the point of bare pavement, but more snow is in the forecast. It appears your snow meter stick (crane) has fallen over. The ground must be softening up.

  14. Your photos are wonderful. And they prove ... hope springs eternal. :-)
