Friday, March 14, 2025

How Does Snow Melt?

 I've always been puzzled over just how snow melts.  I know and have observed the conventional way we think of it, where the snow turns to a liquid, water, and runs down the gutter and into the nearest stream.  But since we've lived here, looking out at a wide expanse of snow behind us, and big snowbanks out in front of us, I've become aware of a different way snow melts - by sublimation.

Sublimation is the process by which a solid (like snow or ice) turns to water vapour in the atmosphere.  So looking out the window I see the big snowbanks, still 2 feet of snow mostly, 3 feet in places, and it's 10°C out, and there isn't even a trickle of water running down the driveway.  It's all just disappearing into the atmosphere.

The big snow bank on our neighbour's property butting up against our driveway.

The other side of our driveway, lots of snow but no water trickling down the drive.

And our front sidewalk, all bare but no melting water visible!

While I was standing there I caught the big flag down the street between the trunks of our little birch trees.


  1. There isn't much sublimation on my patch. I think reflecting heat on hard surfaces has to be a factor. Sidewalks in town are pretty dry but the grassy verges are soggy.

  2. Wow you have lots more snow left than we do. Ours must have sublimated very fast. Any open area is pretty well clear.

  3. Those are huge masses of snow piled up, does this happen when the air temperature gets warmer?And now I have learnt that Sublimation can be in Physics, in Printing and in Psychology. I'll take the solid to gas any day.Hope no more snow falls, that's a LOT of gas.!!!

  4. The flag is hanging in there! It won’t be long and you’ll be able to be out and about again, FG.

  5. However it melts it's nice when it finally does at this time of year!! :)

  6. ... and isn't it nice when the snow has gone!

    All the best Jan

  7. Thank you for that explanation. I have always wondered, and though perhaps it was just the snow compacting, becoming denser or something.
    I think your snow is still beautiful. I know most people are tired of it, but I am not one of them. Maybe I should live in a more northern clime!

  8. Those are some snowbanks!! Interesting about sublimation.

  9. Perhaps it seeps into the grassy areas? Or you could be bang on! 😁
