There are different types of snowshoes, and you need to match the type with the snow conditions. I've already shown you the large 'Huron' snowshoes. Then there are the mid-size 'Bear Paw' snowshoes, and the small modern plastic ones. These small snowshoes are really best for a packed trail, and the Bear Paws for mid-deep snow, but the big ones are best for truly deep snow.
On organized snowshoe hikes I always found it a waste of effort to wear either of the larger snowshoes, but as long as I wasn't breaking trail, the small ones were fine. They are a little more effort if you're the one breaking trail, but I never was 'cause I dragged along at the back! On a field like this with only 3 or 4 inches of snow, they're great.
So usually I just wore the small ones to go walking in the nearby woods with Roxie. They weight hardly anything and are easy to use. If it's your first time, you should maybe try them first on a packed trail if you're worried. With the big ones you do have to sort of lumber from side to side with each step.
These are a couple of other winter toys I used regularly. I had a big (44" wide) snowblower that was attached to the front of our lawn tractor which I used to blow out our drive. To be honest I loved doing that snowblowing.