Let's check out the Canada Geese on Lake Eugenia as we continue yesterday's drive. Tonight is daylight savings time here, and next week the temperature is expected to rise right into the spring range. It's forecast to be 12°C (53°F) on Wednesday and Thursday! I can hardly wait. Those rising temperatures are the real sign of spring.
To be honest there weren't many geese and virtually no ducks that we could see on Lake Eugenia, but this did seem to be Canada Geese central for those we saw. Many of them are paired up, though of course not nesting, while the 'teenage' geese will wait another year to find a mate. Since most geese stay together as a pair for life, I guess it's worth taking your time to pick a mate.
Are these three pair! Probably, and what better sign of spring could you ask for?
These too, off by themselves, definitely were.
Leaving Eugenia we headed north and down into the valley, Kimberley in the centre of the picture. From this angle it appears largely forested, but driving around it appears much more open.

North of the village, through the flat bottomlands of the river, the Red Osier Dogwood were turning bright red, another sign of spring we always watch for.
And finally the Black willows were turning an even brighter shade of yellow than normal. We always watch the dogwood and willows as we drive around this time of year.
Finally it's over the big Algonquin Shoreline created during the post-glacial period about 11,000 years ago and back down into Meaford. A thoroughly enjoyable drive and several obvious big signs of spring.
A few other signs of spring are less obvious, but still important:
- stores are featuring displays of seeds for planting,
- garden sections in the big box stores are being organized,
- barbecues have been brought out to front and centre,
- gardeners at home are scheming and dreaming about their plans for summer,
- and maybe starting seeds indoors under lights or on a windowsill,
- nurseries are getting in their stock and preparing for the later spring rush,
- apple growers are finalizing their plans for the summer,
- it's March Break this week,
- churches are planning for Easter services,
- the streetsweeper is being given a last-minute check (I hope!)
- if you look closely there's a reddish hue in the trees,
- buds are starting to swell and preparing to open,
- the first Sandhill Cranes have returned,
- owls are nesting in the woods, eagles usually in tall open trees,
- Tundra Swans are moving north and may be passing overhead soon,
- And above all it's maple syrup season in the bush and sugar shack!
My favourite sign of spring!
You can find three posts featuring the Kemble Maple Syrup tour early in April, 2015.