Sunday, November 24, 2019


Three years ago today, I posted a picture of the 'supermoon' that month.  I've had lots of difficulty getting a good shot of the moon that provides a fairly close view and is actually in focus.  This is about the best I've ever done.  It helped that we lived out in the country with no other lights in sight.

It's a partly sunny day here and a balmy 6°C.  It's supposed to stay this warm for the next three days, though we're supposed to get some rain too.

A huge amount of volunteer charitable work going on in town these days.  Today was a day for donations to the local Foodbank, an entirely volunteer organization.  They also provide Christmas hampers to 200 families, as well as toys and gifts for 200 youngsters.  Mrs. F.G. has been shopping and sewing this week to provide our offering.


  1. Hello,

    It is a beautiful capture of the Supermoon. I wish you a happy day and a great new week ahead.

  2. Beautiful! I've never had much luck with moon shots.

  3. That's about as good as I get with my moon shots too. I'm waiting to have a crack at it with this new Nikon CP900 I have. It has a phenomenal zoom on it so we'll see what happens.

  4. Mrs F G, I am sure your sewing goodies will be so well welcomed.Love the supermoon.

  5. Nice shot! Bless your wife for helping the food bank.

  6. That's a really good picture, I remember when it happened and am shocked that it was three years ago already. I love that you and your wife contribute so much to those who have so little. Stay warm and dry! :-)

  7. Lovely shot, I remember you posting it. I was envious of your talent!
    Such nice gestures to donate to the local Foodbanks.

  8. You got an awesome shot there!

  9. Excellent shot of the moon. The only camera I have now is my phone and it just doesn't do moon shots well.

  10. Wonderful moon shots.
    We have food banks in the UK too, I think they are especially needed at this time of year.
    I applaud the volunteers who help out at them …

    All the best Jan
