Monday, February 14, 2022

The Drive to Physio

After several weeks of missing physiotherapy due to a nasty bug, it seemed like a new experience driving to Owen Sound this week.  So I got my phone out and tried to capture some winter images again, without being totally repetitious of photos I've taken in the past.  Hope you enjoy a few pf the same old thing!

We left Meaford and soon headed up the long hill that is the ancient glacial shoreline of Lake Algonquin.  All the apple orchards are behind us, down on the flat sandy deposits of the lake.

Before long we were passing my favourite falling apart barn (as if you could have a favourite of anything so decrepit).  I'm wondering how long it will be until it falls down.

Then it was around the curve and down to Woodford.  Woodford's an interesting place.  One of those small villages that once had a church, garage, and maybe a store, but now has none of these, and even has difficulty keeping the community centre open.  But it's also known as a place the weather changes.  Time and time again our caregivers driving from Owen Sound have said 'it was ok until I got to Woodford'.

Over the highest land and down into the valley of Keefer Creek.  Someone posted a winter picture of Keefer Falls recently and no-one knew where it was!  I bet you very few of the thousands who drive through this valley daily know it as Keefer Creek valley, or know of Keefer Creek Farm or of the Keefer Creek sinkhole to the west.

Then the airport that's been in the news a lot recently.  The city of Owen Sound, the former owner, put it up for sale, but thankfully for all the pilots who fly here, an owner came forward to buy it.  All of us are wondering if he will be able to maintain it.

Physio over, we're headed home now, and I managed to get a driving-by-picture of Boswell Creek.

And shortly it was back down into the valley of Keefer Creek again, this time from the opposite direction.  See how the weather has changed in an hour - now it's blue sky.

After that comes the salt dome, like many others scattered strategically across the province, where they store the 'pickled sand' for winter roads.

The first farm after Woodford, where the Aberdeen Angus get let out in the barnyard to enjoy the sun.

And do you recognize this?  Answer in the next post for those of you who can't remember!


  1. I enjoyed tagging along with you on your outing. And no, I don't recognize that last photo and will be curious to see what it is! :-)

  2. When my neighbours barn was no longer in use and starting to show damage, a fellow came and dismantled it. He sold the barn board and timbers for other building projects. My father in law had the fire department come in and do a training exercise with his. That was a pretty thorough cleanup.

  3. Do you or Mrs FG have to hose down the underside of your vehicle to stop any rust, if there is salt/grit/sand on the roads? I have heard that in some places the rust is so bad after one winter the vehicles re sold for scrap.Love those deep dips in the roads, that all look as though they have been cleared so well.

  4. I always enjoy your outings. There is always something different to see. I have no idea what the last shot is.

  5. No clue what the last photo is. As for the decrepit barn, there is an old house on my drive to and from my daughter's that I love seeing. In the last year or so, the front side of the house has fallen in, but the rest still stands. Someday I'd like to stop and walk closer - but I'd have to tramp through a farmer's field to get to it as there is no road anylonger.

    Thanks for sharing your drive with us.

  6. Beautiful scenes along your way.

  7. Looks like your favorite falling apart barn won't survive a heavy snowfall, especially one that's followed by rain.

  8. Of all the pictures the one I like best is the one of the creek with the snow and the pines. Perfect winter scene.

  9. Lots of hills on your trip so it is lucky that the weather was good. I have become so nervous driving in the snow since there are so many fools speeding along.
    I have no idea what that image could be - going through the car wash?

  10. Car Wash! Happy Valentines day to you and Mrs FG:)

  11. Glad you had a clear Valentine's day to go for therapy.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  12. I never mind a few repeats of such an interesting journey.

  13. You have very good scenery. I love that old barn.

  14. It's so nice to see the sunshine, if we have snow.
    Hope all is well.

  15. Splendid countryside this time of year.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. good news that you got back to physiotherapy. i'm sure you need that for both mind and body!! it is a beautiful drive, i like seeing all of the snow!! and you mentioned on my blog that you got back to church, that's great news!!

    i have no idea what that picture is, but i am quite curious!!

  18. I like the hills and valleys you have up your way. It's always nice to get out for a drive when the weather is good. I knew what that greeny stuff was because I read your newer post first. I somehow missed this one.

  19. I take pictures in the car wash too, partly because I get bored easily.
