Saturday, January 31, 2015

Wintry Day

Every now and then I like to post a more typical winter's day, just to remind you of what the seasons are really like in the valley.  Not every day is sunny; in fact often relatively few are, even though those are the days I hurry out with my camera to get pictures.

Yesterday was a good example.  It wasn't actually snowing, but we'd had 3 or 4" of fresh snow overnight and today the wind was blowing it around, creating a distant haze that kept receding as you drove.  The clouds were thin and every now and then the sun would actually show through.

The roads were snow-covered, and there was a little ground drifting, so I took a little more care driving than usual, stopping in lots of time for the corners.  This wasn't really a 'whiteout', as it wasn't snowing.  In a real whiteout you wouldn't see any of those trees in the picture.

Off in the distance you could see the landscape, barns and houses, woodlots and trees, but the blowing snow made for a hazy view.

 These are days when, if a car approaches, you definitely slow down and pull over to go past each other slowly - without pulling over far enough to get caught in the drifts along the edge.

Still, the winter landscape has a certain beauty all its own.  This was the 'scenery' around here yesterday!

Linking to:


  1. Cold looking but oh so pretty.

  2. Very wintery. My grandparents had a farm up along one of the branches of the Saugeen, so these remind me of photographs I've seen of winters up there.

  3. Beautiful scenery! I like the hazy look from the blowing snow. We had our 3rd storm in a week today.

  4. It sure does look cold, but there is real artistry here, too. I love the last one especially. :-)

  5. Nicely done. You caught the feeling of a nasty blizzard.

  6. This is like no other, and I can truthfully say I have never, EVER, been living where there is snow like yours today. Lovely misty photos. picture perfect wintertime from your lens .p.s. we have rain, glorious rain. Can you tell how thrilled I am to report this fall; of water, just 18.6 mm from 7 a.m. this morning. Bliss from nature above.

  7. I really like that second photo. "STOP - that's enough of winter!"

  8. We have so much less snow here! Actually, I do love snow but the driving looks treacherous there.

  9. WOW, that IS winter in the valley. The red stop sign look nice and vivid against white. The red house too look beautifully covered with snowy surroundings.

  10. That is a lot of snow. Pretty, but I would not want to be driving a car in it
    Stay snug and warm!

  11. Typical snow fall for your neck of the woods. I prefer the small amount we have here in the GTA.

  12. We too are blanked in white. Tonight we are going to get another 8". Just a dusting compared to the 30" we got last week.

  13. I'm loving your wintry scenes. I'm hoping winter comes back to the PNW soon.

  14. Gorgeous photos! I like the beauty of snow but I don't like cold!

  15. Playing catch-up again. Moving back and forth between such beautiful posts. Whether blue skies or not, you seem to capture the spirit of the place. My dad used to drive us for our piano lessons on Wednesday's nights between two small towns in Quebec (Howick and Ormstown). I have a vivid memory of swirling snow and white-outs, a long strip of open highway with fields on either side of us, and the snow drifts just waiting to ensnare a wandering tire. I haven't found an update yet as to your health, but if you were able to get out snowshoeing and able to enjoy an overnight trip, I'm thinking you must be doing well. Hope so!

  16. Those scenes are so enchanting. Not living in a snowy world, I thoroughly enjoyed your explanations of each scene.
