Monday, September 16, 2024

More From the Garden

I should share a few more pictures of the garden before it goes into hibernation.  It's still a very interesting place.  And the harvest, of tomatoes, peppers and beans, continues.

Hot Peppers come in a wide variety of hotness, shape and taste, but they all require a long growing season, with lots of sun, to mature.  Our summer, especially the extended sunny warm September we've been enjoying, is ideal.

This is the big patch of Fall Anemones we have.  They've grown into a large pink tangle now.

Just a random patch of white Cosmos, but these ones hit me in the shoulder every time I go down the ramp off the deck to the patio.
Our yellow rose has expanded to nearly a dozen blooms.

Another random patch of Cosmos, these one entirely pink.

And I was very glad to find a single out-of-season Dandelion in our front lawn.  A statement of defiance if you will.

Sorry about the spacing; Blogger has been very cranky today and I eventually just gave up!


  1. I arrange my photos and Blogger changes the layout!!! What great garden produce and flowers still blooming.

  2. Your flowers are doing amazingly well for the middle of September. I especially like the pure white Cosmos.

  3. Those white cosmos are spectacular! Lots of heat in those peppers!

  4. I'm loving the Cosmos this year and even a couple of Monarch butterflies have visited them on their way through the city.

  5. I don't think I've ever seen white cosmos. The pinks are more familiar. Things are still doing very well in your gardens. Like me, I'm sure you'll miss the riot of colour in a few months.

  6. Enjoy it while you can. I like the white cosmos.

  7. I'd like some of those hot peppers!!

  8. You still have so many pretty blooms especially the yellow roses!

  9. Beautiful flowers and colorful peppers.
