Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Step 1 -- Success!

The tracheotomy came out in five minutes just after 8 a.m. this morning.

I actually had a terrible night, waking in pain from my shoulder at 12:30.  Got a shot of tylenol through my feeding tube, but a bit gurgled up into my throat and I lay there coughing til 6 a.m.  No sleep for me.  I was really afraid they would decide to postpone it.

But the Respiratory Therapist arrived and shortly it was all over.  Just a large bandage covering it, which will fill in in a few days.

Lookingforward to the swallow test tomorrow.  And I was told this afternoon that I will get to try  a trial motorized wheelchair in the morning, not the permanent one, but similar.  On  we go!


  1. A great result today after a rough night. Hope you sleep better tonight FG and the test goes well tomorrow.

  2. Wow progress is in the works good luck Stew.

  3. Wonderful news, ice cream and jelly next, just like after tonsil surgery maybe!!! You are doing so well, a remarkable attitude that would leave so many of us far behind. Swallow well, and trial run, hope that goes as good as this morning's procedure.

  4. As you said the other day it is a big step and each advancement will be a new big step. Looking forward to reading about many more.

    It's about time, and what we do with it.

  5. I'm excited for you!! Keep on getting better!

  6. Hope you pass the swallow test! You are making progress!

  7. It must be a huge relief to get rid of the tube.

  8. Congrats! Glad that you are making progress.

  9. Excellent! Progress is progressing just as it should.

  10. Keeping fingers and everything else crossed for you. My thoughts are also with anyone who gets in the way when you try out that wheelchair!

  11. Sounds good, nothing like progress. No wheelchair races until you get your license.

  12. Like a teen ager waiting to take a spin in Dad's car for the first time you may have a few similar feelings. A poor night's sleep can sure wreck up the following day. Having that tube removed was a biggy. Onward and upward as your positive approach continues to lead the way.

  13. Sorry you had a bad night, but congrats on the 1st step forward. Wishing you a happy day!

  14. Too bad about the bad night's sleep but so glad about the trach removal! You are getting more 'freedom' each day. No tire squealing the first time out, ok?

  15. Glad to hear the tube is out. Hope you're able to start eating soon. Baby steps, right?

  16. Missed a couple of your posts but so happy to hear that the trach as been removed. Pray you will be eating food today. : )

  17. Sorry about your bad night but pleased to read about the trach being removed.

    All the best Jan

  18. I really like your post good blog on site,Thanks for your sharing.

