Thursday, August 3, 2017

Another Eastern Sunset

Again, a week ago, we had one of those eastern sunsets, when the sun had disappeared behind the hill to the west of our house, but was still shining on the clouds south and east of us.  Surprisingly bright colours this time.

It was just after 9 p.m.  This is the view to the east.

And this looks more to the south.  Spot the moon?

Here it is!

I hope that at the new house we will get some real sunsets, with a view to the northwest.  But we won't have the eastern view for sunrises - or these unusual 'eastern sunsets'.

I went out later on to check out the moon again, and spotted a planet right beside it (what astronomers would call a conjunction).  Turns out this is Jupiter.

Linking to: 


  1. Amazing eastern sunset. Those are very special, hope you get some nice views at our new house.

  2. I can never figure out why Jupiter moves around and ends up near the moon often times. Your sky colors are outstanding.

  3. Now I'm wondering about an eastern sunset!!! Great photos!

  4. Lovely colors! We've had wildfire smoke for the past two days...icky air but lovely sunrises and sunsets.

  5. Hello, pretty sunset! The colors are pretty. Great shots of the moon! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. Who would have thought, eh? Eastern sunsets happen often around here. I love them almost as much as the western ones. I'll try and provide some sunrises for you after you move. :)

  7. Nice colors, all right. I also like that conjunction picture at the end. Good catch! :-)

  8. Wondering if I will get some good sunsets in Canada next week due to the forest fires.....

  9. Yes, one should not abandon shooting when the sun has disappeared....there are rewards to follow. Kudos!

  10. Gorgeous series of beautiful sky shots of the sun setting and reflecting back ~ ^_^

  11. Beautiful skies!
    Have a wonderful week-end!

  12. I love pink and blue skies. Beautiful.

  13. Lovely photos . I like it when the sun sets and it glows to the east soo pretty ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  14. Beautiful sky colors and a great moon shot!! Enjoy your weekend.

  15. nice article great post comment information thanks for sharing.
